How to select ceramic lined valve type in the ash disposal system of coal power plant
In the ash disposal system of coal power plant , ceramic lined valve is a important component of dry ash transporting system and pipeline system .How to make these valves works well in their position ,it is important to select right valve at for right position . Refer to pneumatic transporting ash system ,we have to study the component of bin pump and its working theory . Bin pump is make up of feed valve ,boosting valve ,bleeder valve ,pump body and pipeline ,The control air source and conveying air source can be the same ,of course it can be set alone . The conveying pump is work to convey the coal powder , it have a high automatic equipment whose process is controlled by PLC. The system mainly include feeding equipment ,pneumatic bleeder valve ,pump ,gasification, pipelines and valves . There are four stage during the bin pump conveying process : Feeding stage : The feeding valve will be opened when the bin pump running ,the material will fall of into t...